The Northern Kentucky Children’s Advocacy Center (NKYCAC) is committed to providing a safe place for children to begin the healing process after they have experienced abuse. Our licensed clinicians provide evidence-based trauma informed therapy to children of all ages. Since child abuse affects the whole family, the services provided at NKYCAC are available at no cost to every child and their nonoffending caregivers.
When a child comes to the Northern Kentucky Children’s Advocacy Center for a forensic interview, staff will work with each family to complete a trauma screening, which is a tool to determine whether a child has likely experienced trauma and needs a referral for a comprehensive trauma-informed mental health assessment.
An initial mental health appointment at NKYCAC lasts approximately 1.5 to 2 hours and includes the caregiver and child meeting with a trained therapist. A trauma-informed mental health assessment is completed which includes an evaluation of common difficulties children may have. Additionally, caregivers and children ages 6 and older answer questionnaires about the child’s emotions and behaviors. The results are used to help guide therapeutic recommendations for the child and family.
After the initial assessment the therapist will speak with you about the recommendation for your child’s mental health care. This typically involves beginning weekly therapy appointments with the therapist at NKYCAC. However, the therapist may provide you with additional agencies in your community who can best meet your child’s mental health needs, giving you resources to help your child heal.
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