Family Advocacy and victim support services are available for parents and guardians of children who receive forensic interviews. Our Family Advocates are available to help families in crisis so that they are better able to support their children. Family advocates encourage participation in the investigation, treatment, and support services available to children and families with the hope of reducing trauma for children and non-offending family members.
Family Advocacy and Support Services consist of:
NKYCAC provides court preparation by providing caregivers with resources and information to help children and caregivers overcome the trauma of abuse.
Caregivers can expect to receive services and resources such as crisis counseling, mental health referrals and information about trauma, housing, food, shelter, domestic violence, financial assistance, legal assistance, and Crime Victim Compensation.
Each family is assigned a family advocate, who makes contact prior to the visit and will meet with caregivers in person at the time of their child’s appointment to answer questions and explain NKYCAC services. As each case moves through the investigation, healing process, and possibly prosecution, the family advocate is there to help the family understand the process, learn about their rights, and successfully access resources that will help their family during the crisis.